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HTML::Element endtag generates end tags for <br> and <img>

I'm using the following Perl code to traverse and format some HTML:

#!/usr/bin/env perl 
use v5.38;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
my $indent = 3;
my $content = do {local $/; <DATA>};
my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();

sub visit($x) {
    my $depth = $x->depth;
    my $in = ' ' x ($indent * $depth);
    foreach my $e ($x->content_list) {
        # element
        if (ref ($e)) {
            say $in . $e->starttag;
            say $in . $e->endtag;
        # text
        else {
            say $in . $e;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
    <font size=3><strong>
    5/5/61 Bob & Jerry - Arroyo Lounge, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
    <img src="poster.png" alt="poster/ad" title="poster/ad">
    <i>(Robert Hunter and Jerry Garcia; source: McNally, Jackson research)</i>

    <font size=3><strong>
    5/26/61 Bob & Jerry - Barbara Meier's 16th birthday party, Menlo Park, CA
    Follow The Drinking Gourd, John Henry, Santy Anno*, Poor Paddy Works On The Railway
    <i>(*included on
        <a href="" target="_blank">Before The Dead
        <a href="" target="_blank">birthday doodle for Barbara by Jerry
        <a href="" target="_blank">the master tape

My problem is that each <br> is output as:

<br />

Both <br /> and </br> cause new lines to be rendered. I was surprised that endtag generated anything at all in the case of tag br (and img).

I avoided using HTML::Tree::traverse because the doc discourages its use:

[I]f you want to recursively visit every node in the tree, it's almost always simpler to write a subroutine does just that, than it is to bundle up the pre- and/or post-order code in callbacks for the traverse method.

There are no examples given, so the above is what I cooked up.

Am I using starttag and endtag correctly? Should I detect when I'm displaying a tag that doesn't take an end tag and avoid calling endtag? What's the right/best/simplest way to traverse an HTML tree and prettify it?


As suggested by Stephen Ullrich, I tried to use as_HTML() for formatting:

#!/usr/bin/env perl 
use v5.38;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
say "\%HTML::Element::optionalEndTag= ",
    join ', ', keys %HTML::Element::optionalEndTag;
my $content = do {local $/; <DATA>};
my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();
# don't encode any entities; indent with three spaces; 
say $tree->as_HTML('', '   ');
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
    <font size=3><strong>
    5/5/61 Bob & Jerry - Arroyo Lounge, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
    <img src="poster.png" alt="poster/ad" title="poster/ad">
    <i>(Robert Hunter and Jerry Garcia; source: McNally, Jackson research)</i>

    <font size=3><strong>
    5/26/61 Bob & Jerry - Barbara Meier's 16th birthday party, Menlo Park, CA
    Follow The Drinking Gourd, John Henry, Santy Anno*, Poor Paddy Works On The Railway
    <i>(*included on
        <a href="" target="_blank">Before The Dead
        <a href="" target="_blank">birthday doodle for Barbara by Jerry
        <a href="" target="_blank">the master tape


%HTML::Element::optionalEndTag= dt, dd, li, p
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
      <meta charset="utf-8" />
   <body><font size="3"><strong> 5/5/61 Bob & Jerry - Arroyo Lounge, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA </strong></font><br /><img alt="poster/ad" src="poster.png" title="poster/ad" /> <i>(Robert Hunter and Jerry Garcia; source: McNally, Jackson research)</i><br />
      <br /><font size="3"><strong> 5/26/61 Bob & Jerry - Barbara Meier's 16th birthday party, Menlo Park, CA </strong></font><br /> Follow The Drinking Gourd, John Henry, Santy Anno*, Poor Paddy Works On The Railway <br /><i>(*included on <a href="" target="_blank">Before The Dead </a>; <a href="" target="_blank">birthday doodle for Barbara by Jerry </a>; <a href="" target="_blank">the master tape </a> ) </i><br />
      <br />

Unfortunately, this isn't "pretty" enough. I don't understand why the indenting leaves off after the first couple of levels. However, I do note that it doesn't generate </br> or </img>, despite the fact that neither of these tags is mentioned in %HTML::Element::optionalEndTag!

Update 2

(Although they are listed in %HTML::Tagset::emptyElement, which as_HTML checks.)


  • <br> and <img> (among others) are empty elements; they aren't intended to surround anything, thus there is no point to having a separate endtag. Nevertheless, HTML::Element::endtag always generates the string </tag>, whether or not tag is an empty element.

    (Note that starttag is smart enough to write <tag attr=... /> for empty tags like <img ... /> and <br />.)

    Therefore the programmer must explicitly test whether or not an endtag is appropriate. Fortunately there's a variable, %HTML::Tagset::emptyElement, that maps each empty element to 1 (true).

    The following code will print the HTML supplied in the OP in a simple, indented format with each tag on a separate line.

    #!/usr/bin/env perl 
    use v5.38;
    use HTML::TreeBuilder;
    my $indent = 3;
    my $content = do {local $/; <DATA>};
    my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();
    sub visit($x) {
        use HTML::Tagset;
        my $depth = $x->depth;
        my $in = ' ' x ($indent * $depth);
        for my $e ($x->content_list) {
            if (ref ($e)) {     # element
                say $in . $e->starttag;
                if (! $HTML::Tagset::emptyElement{$e->tag}) {
                    say $e->endtag;
            else {              # text
                # for extra prettiness
                use Text::Wrap;
                $Text::Wrap::columns = 132;
                say wrap($in, $in, $e);
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
        <font size=3><strong>
        5/5/61 Bob & Jerry - Arroyo Lounge, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
        <img src="poster.png" alt="poster/ad" title="poster/ad">
        <i>(Robert Hunter and Jerry Garcia; source: McNally, Jackson research)</i>
        <font size=3><strong>
        5/26/61 Bob & Jerry - Barbara Meier's 16th birthday party, Menlo Park, CA
        Follow The Drinking Gourd, John Henry, Santy Anno*, Poor Paddy Works On The Railway
        <i>(*included on
            <a href="" target="_blank">Before The Dead
            <a href="" target="_blank">birthday doodle for Barbara by Jerry
            <a href="" target="_blank">the master tape


       <meta charset="utf-8" />
       <font size="3">
          5/5/61 Bob & Jerry - Arroyo Lounge, Stanford University, Palo Alto,
       <br />
       <img alt="poster/ad" src="poster.png" title="poster/ad" />
          (Robert Hunter and Jerry Garcia; source: McNally, Jackson research)
       <br />
       <br />
       <font size="3">
          5/26/61 Bob & Jerry - Barbara Meier's 16th birthday party, Menlo
         Park, CA
       <br />
        Follow The Drinking Gourd, John Henry, Santy Anno*, Poor Paddy Works On The
       <br />
          (*included on
          <a href="" target="_blank">
         Before The Dead
          <a href="" target="_blank">
         birthday doodle for Barbara by Jerry
          <a href="" target="_blank">
         the master tape
       <br />
       <br />