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How to remove duplicate white spaces in a string?

Possible Duplicate:
Replace multiple whitespaces with single whitespace in JavaScript string

I have used trim function to remove the white spaces at the beginning and end of the sentences. If there is to much white spaces in between words in a sentence, is there any method to trim?

for example

"abc                  def. fds                            sdff."


  • try

    "abc                  def. fds                            sdff."
     .replace(/\s+/g,' ')


    "abc                  def. fds                            sdff."
         .join(' ');

    or use this allTrim String extension

    String.prototype.allTrim = String.prototype.allTrim ||
            return this.replace(/\s+/g,' ')
    alert(' too much whitespace     here   right?  '.allTrim());
       //=> "too much whitespace here right?"

    [edit 2023] Pretty old answer. Here is a parser function to remove all multiple spaces (and spaces only, not whitespace) from a string, which removes the need for a regular expression.

    const line = ` hello     world
              how  are    you
        😃 and bye again  `;
    console.log(`[${removeDoubleSpaces(line, true)}]`);
    console.log(`[${removeDoubleSpaces(line, true, true)}]`);
    console.log(`[${removeDoubleSpaces(line, false, true)}]`);
    function removeDoubleSpaces(str, trimLines = false, removeLF = false) {
      let strResult = ``;
      const strCopy = [...str];
      while(strCopy.length) {
        const chr = strCopy.shift();
        strResult += removeLF && chr === `\n`  ? ` ` :
 + chr !== `  ` ? chr : ``;
        // double line ends may result in double spaces
        strResult = strResult.slice(-2) === `  `
          ? strResult.slice(0, -1) : strResult;
      return trimLines
        ? strResult.split(/\n/).map(v => v.trim()).join(`\n`)
        : strResult.trim();
    .as-console-wrapper {
        max-height: 100% !important;