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XCode lldb Error error: module 'GTMSessionFetcherCore' not found

suddenly lldb po command stopped working in XCode.

When I'm trying to use it, it gives the following error:

error: couldn't IRGen expression: Clang importer error
error: /Users/User/Git/Project/Pods/GoogleSignIn/GoogleSignIn/Sources/Public/GoogleSignIn/GIDGoogleUser.h:27:9: error: module 'GTMSessionFetcherCore' not found
@import GTMSessionFetcherCore;

In the file mentioned in the error there is the following code:

@import GTMSessionFetcherCore;    <------ line 27
#import <GTMSessionFetcher/GTMSessionFetcher.h>

I have a GTMSessionFetcherCore in the project but as a pod. So I don't understand why this line is considered to be true: #ifdef SWIFT_PACKAGE. Didn't change anything in the project.

Tried to clean the cache, remove DerivedData, and relaunch XCode, but nothing helped. XCode Version 15.2

Any ideas on how to fix it?


  • Just use the latest commit from master branch in case you are using GoogleSignIn framework, here is an detailed info: