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Why does this custom component get placed outside of the <tr>?


        <tbody class="table-body">


    <td class="table-row-cell" :class="this.class">

how I tried using it:

                <template #default>
                        <td>i am inside the tr</td> <----- this is inside the <tr>
                            <table-row-cell> <-------- this is outside of the <tr>
                                    i am outside the tr

and like this:

                    <td>i am inside the tr</td>
                        i am outside the tr

in this latest case, this is what I get:

<tbody class="table-body"> i am inside the tr <td class="table-row-cell"> i am outside the tr </td></tbody>

and in the first case I get this:

<tbody class="table-body"><tr><td>i am inside the tr</td></tr><td class="table-row-cell"> i am outside the tr </td></tbody>

I've also tried just this:

            <my-table><template #default>
                        i am outside the tr

but I just get this:

<tbody class="table-body"><tr></tr><td class="table-row-cell"> i am outside the tr </td></tbody>

so what's up with that? I can't use a component inside a tag, that just has a tag in it? or like what is the issue? If I place my component inside the tag, why does it either throw the out and only render the , or either render the and put everything else below that? Like what? Why does Vue have to be SO difficult, for absolutely no reason?

I just want to put a into the slot of my custom table, and put a custom component inside that - why does it have to be so difficult? Am I tripping or something? I'm not missing a single closing tag, my components are fine, so why is this happening?

Simplest example I can make to reproduce the problem locally:

<table class="i-am-the-example-table">
                <tr class="i-am-the-tr-hello">
                        i am outside of the TABLE itself, but idk why

tableRowCell component:


component registered globally:

import TableRowCell from "./components/custom/Tables/TableRowCell.vue";
app.component("TableRowCell", TableRowCell);

how it looks like on my end: img on my end


  • Since OP is not using any bundlers (hence no .vue files), the workaround is to proceed like this

      <tr is="vue:tab-descgen" ></tr>

    Credit to the answer here. I've updated the answer with more details as to why exactly it happens and to reflect the latest Vue3 changes!