Search code examples

Want to detect all the words in the string

So ive written a code which would detect all the words that are there in a sentence. I would only detect the words and would ignore the spaces, which means even if there are empty spaces in the string i would not count them. But the result are not what i expected. Here is the code :

var mystring = "Hello World"
var indexcount = 0
var words = 0

for (element of mystring) {
  if (element == " " || element[indexcount + 1] != " " || element[indexcount - 1] != " ") {
    var words = words + 1
    var indexcount = indexcount + 1
  } else {
    indexcount = indexcount + 1


So this code would actually help anyone who would want to know all the words that are there in a string, ignoring all the spaces. So even if you had just a single word within a string and a lot of spaces still, the result would be 1. But i am getting weird ouputs. please help


  • You have several errors:

    1. Don't use var after the first use on a variable
    2. When the element isn't a space, check whether it's
      a. a first element in a string (indexcount === 0)
      b. or the previous character is a space (mystring[index - 1] === ' ')
      If so increase the word count

    var mystring = "Hello World"
    var indexcount = 0
    var words = 0
    for (var element of mystring) {
      if (element !== " " && (indexcount === 0 || mystring[indexcount - 1] === " ")) {
        words = words + 1;
      indexcount = indexcount + 1;

    Consider using a state machine:

    var mystring = ` Hello 
                     World `;
    const spaces = new Set('\t\r\n '.split('')); // detect spaces with a set
    let words = 0;
    let inWord = false; //whether we are inside of a word or not
    for(const char of mystring){
        inWord = false;
      } else if(!inWord) {
        inWord = true;

    You could also use a regex:

    var mystring = ` Hello 
                     World `;
    const words = mystring.match(/(?<=\s|^)(?=\S)/g).length;