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Pandoc: latex to html ignores custom latex macros

I'm trying to convert a simple latex file (named book.tex), that has custom latex macros, into html.


\chapter{Chapter heading}

\chapsummary {
  \item Intro bullet 1
  \item Intro bullet 2

Some paragraph of text.


Where \chapsummary is just an example of a macro (it might become more elaborate later) that outputs a bullet list.

If I define it at the beginning of this document, then all is well. When I run pandoc book.tex -o book.html I get the following html:

  <h1 id="chapter-heading">Chapter heading</h1>
    <li><p>Intro bullet 1</p></li>
    <li><p>Intro bullet 2</p></li>
  <p>Some paragraph of text.</p>

Ideally, I would like to define it in a separate file (so that it can be easily included in the conversion process, without modifying the original content files). Unfortunately, everything else I tried resulted in the list not being displayed.

I tried creating a metadata.json file:

  "header-includes": [
    "\\newcommand{\\chapsummary}[1]{ \\begin{itemize} \\#1 \\end{itemize}}",

And then running pandoc --metadata-file=metadata.json -s book.tex -o book.html. But nothing happens (the same thing happens if I pass in a yaml file). The bullet list is never transformed into HTML.

I've also tried putting the command in a separate latex file (e.g. commands.tex) and then running pandoc --include-in-header=commands.tex book.tex -o book.html but that just prints the commands.tex content to the html as regular text, and doesn't do any macro replacement.


  • Put the macros into a second .tex file, and to pass it as a normal input file to pandoc:

    pandoc macros.tex book.tex -o book.html

    This works because pandoc treats multiple input files as if they were a single file, with newlines between each file.