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Rotate a composable(jetpack compose) on Y axis without stretching it

I have a composable named card with a bunch of identifiable information for employees/students, i want to add a capability to rotate the card so the backside is readable. i did that with the following

 var rotation by remember { mutableFloatStateOf(0f) }
      modifier = Modifier
          .padding(paddingValues = padding)
          .pointerInput(key1 = null) {
              detectHorizontalDragGestures { change, dragAmount ->
                  rotation -= dragAmount
                  if (rotation >= 360) {
                      rotation = 0f
      contentAlignment = Alignment.Center,
    ) {
        card = card,
        modifier = Modifier
          .graphicsLayer {
            rotationY = rotation

How the card is show on the screen

thing is, even if this works, and the composable rotates, the rotation stretches it to the entire screen height, screenshot attached shows that. is there a way i can rotate the card on the Y axis without making it stretch?


  • Ok thanks to @Chirag Thummar, i've found out that i can use cameraDistance in the graphics layer to make the composable's viewport's distance so the card doesn't stretch as much. 18 was the sweetspot for me

        var rotation by remember { mutableFloatStateOf(0f) }
                card = card,
                modifier = Modifier
                  .graphicsLayer {
                    rotationY = rotation
                    cameraDistance = 18 * density