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Issue with a loop: mean and min

I'm implementing a loop in R. Let me simplify things as much as I can.

Suppose I have

#    country year     key potential
# 1      FRA 2010 FRA2010         0
# 2      FRA 2011 FRA2011         0
# 3      FRA 2012 FRA2012         0
# 4      FRA 2013 FRA2013         1
# 5      ITA 2010 ITA2010         1
# 6      ITA 2011 ITA2011         1
# 7      ITA 2012 ITA2012         0
# 8      ITA 2013 ITA2013         1
# 9      USA 2010 USA2010         0
# 10     USA 2011 USA2011         0
# 11     USA 2012 USA2012         1
# 12     USA 2013 USA2013         1

Then, I take the unique values satisfying potential=1

unique <- unique(df$key[df$potential == 1])

Then, I want to have the mean year for each country such that potential == 1. I wanna have the min year by country where potential == 1 as well.

That's my attempt:

for (i in unique) {
mean_year <- mean(df$year[df$key == i], na.rm = TRUE)
date ,- min(df$year[df$key == i], na.rm = TRUE)

The loop returns one value per mean_year and date, respectively. Instead, it should return one value per each country for both mean_year and date.

For mean_year I should have: 2013 for FRA, 2011.33 for ITA, and 2012.5 for USA.

The same reasoning should occur for date.


df <- structure(list(country = c("FRA", "FRA", "FRA", "FRA", "ITA", 
"ITA", "ITA", "ITA", "USA", "USA", "USA", "USA"), year = c(2010L, 
2011L, 2012L, 2013L, 2010L, 2011L, 2012L, 2013L, 2010L, 2011L, 
2012L, 2013L), key = structure(1:12, levels = c("FRA2010", "FRA2011", 
"FRA2012", "FRA2013", "ITA2010", "ITA2011", "ITA2012", "ITA2013", 
"USA2010", "USA2011", "USA2012", "USA2013"), class = "factor"), 
    potential = c(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1)), row.names = c(NA, 
-12L), class = "data.frame")


  • I wouldnt use a loop to do such calculations, as tidyverse is much more elegant; but I've provided this for loop example as you were quite insistent, and I think this shows a reasonable approach to hand crafted looping.

    df <- structure(list(
      country = c(
        "FRA", "FRA", "FRA", "FRA", "ITA",
        "ITA", "ITA", "ITA", "USA", "USA", "USA", "USA"
      ), year = c(
        2011L, 2012L, 2013L, 2010L, 2011L, 2012L, 2013L, 2010L, 2011L,
        2012L, 2013L
      ), key = structure(1:12, levels = c(
        "FRA2010", "FRA2011",
        "FRA2012", "FRA2013", "ITA2010", "ITA2011", "ITA2012", "ITA2013",
        "USA2010", "USA2011", "USA2012", "USA2013"
      ), class = "factor"),
      potential = c(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
    ), row.names = c(
    ), class = "data.frame")
    # basic prep, you say you only want to consider potential == 1 
    # so simply shorten the data and then no need to think on it more
    (sub_df <- subset(df, df$potential == 1))
    # your description says to loop over countries ; keys seem irrelevant
    (countrycodes <- unique(sub_df$country))
    (lc <- length(countrycodes))
    # making an empty structure of the desired size to contain the results 
    (res <- data.frame(
      country = character(lc),
      mean = numeric(lc),
      min = numeric(lc)
    # the loop
    for (i in seq_len(lc)) {
      ctry <- countrycodes[i]
      years <- sub_df$year[sub_df$country == ctry]
      res[i, ] <- data.frame(
        country = ctry,
        mean = mean(years),
        min = min(years)