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useRef and useEffect initial access and then later usage of useRef

How can I wait for ref to be ready but also only work inside my use effect with condition?

Here is what I want to do:

I want to select all rows in my DataGrid component using ref when popup is visible.

This code won't work, because I don't have ref current instance at that time.

useEffect(() => {
  if (isVisible) {
}, [isVisible])

So I searched and found useCallback to update when ref is connected.

const dataGridRef = useCallback(node => {
    if (node !== null) {
  }, [])

<DataGrid ref={dataGridRef} ..

But this time, I cannot use ref instance when I have to reset(unselect data grid using ref)


  • Your callback ref will capture when changes are made to the node, and in that same function execution, you can update a ref object to be referenced outside the callback at your whims.

    // define a ref object and a ref function
    const dataGridRef = useRef(null);
    const dataGridFuncRef = useCallback(node => {
      // manually update the ref object each time the dom element changes
      dataGridRef.current = node.instance;
    }, []);
    const deselectOnClick = (event) => {
      // now we can use the ref instance outside the callback
    // ... inside the render function ...
    <DataGrid ref={dataGridFuncRef} />

    Here is an example CodeSandbox of the above concepts.