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how to create a link which points to the a potion of a chapter by using ebooklib python

I developing an application in DJango python to create EPub fies dynamically. I am using CKEditor and ebooklib. But I have a doubt with TOC, My intention is to create a link in TOC which points to the a potion of a chapter. We can create the same as section and link to chapter but when i create so section load as a separate page,see its sample code below

Please see the sample code

 c2 = epub.EpubHtml(title='About this book', file_name='about.xhtml')
    c2.content='<h1>About this book</h1><p>Helou, this is my book! There are many books, but this one is mine.</p>'
    c2.set_language('hr')'rendition:layout-pre-paginated rendition:orientation-landscape rendition:spread-none')

    # add chapters to the book

    # create table of contents
    # - add manual link
    # - add section
    # - add auto created links to chapters

    book.toc = (epub.Link('intro.xhtml', 'Introduction', 'intro'),
                 (c1, c2))

But when I execute I will get section in a separate page.My intention is to point to the section of the chapter, not as a separate page. (its like pointing to a subheading in chapter) and add section link in TOC (table of contents). Please help ?



  • I don't know if you solved your problem or not, but I had the same issue and after a little testing and trying this and that I found a solution.

    The SOLUTION is to add the chapters you want as a epub.Link object. As an example:

    epub.Link(chapter.file_name, chapter.title,

    And add that result to a toc list object.


    Then after you have added all the chapters / links you want, then you convert the list to a tuple.

    toc = tuple(toc)

    And set it as the book table of contents.

    book.toc = toc