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Making a forum using Node Express EJS and MongoDB

I am making a forum using Node, Express, EJS and MongoDB. Currently, I render the forum page and pass data from the database using Node and EJS. I use GET and POST requests. As soon as I add a comment, the page stores in the database and then redirects back to the same route. I am then able to scroll down and see my comment. However I am not happy with this and I want the comments and replies to be handled by Ajax so that as soon as I comment, without refreshing, I create a post request and again without refreshing the page I can load the new comment. Any suggestion on how can I bring this to live?

The project is available to view on . (Sorry for the untidy code. Am still working on version control). All suggestions are welcomed! Thanks in Advance.


  • What you wanna achieve, is generally called a single page application where you won't see the page refresh but the small component of that page is actually got updated with new data.

    I have done using Reactjs, Nodejs which is pretty easy to do in Reactjs. If you are interested , I can share the repo.

    Had looked into your project and few things I noted.

    1. If I am referring the right one ( then you need to stop default form submit using e.preventDefault(). Default form submit always refresh the page which you don't want. Same form operation you have to do with ajax call.For exm.
    handleFormSubmit(e) {
        // <add your ajax call here>

    See once you do this if things work without page refresh.

    1. See if this helps you with how to make ajax call.