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Select box not updating when model is changed programmatically

I have a select box in a popup that i assign an initial value without any problems. However, I want to change the select boxes value when I open the popup the issue is that although it "ticks" the changed value it does not show it in the select box unless I open and close the popup again. Any solutions to making the select box update so that when I open the pop up for the first time the value assigned is showing?

Note: in production i am using angularJs to populate the select box and jqmobile to render it.

Here is the fiddle and the code:

  <button ng-click="openPopup()">open popup</button>
  <div data-role="popup" id="mypopup" data-overlay-theme="d" data-theme="none">
    <select id="fcComparator" 
            ng-options="fcEnumComp for fcEnumComp in ccEditorDefaultComparators"

the js:

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
    $scope.ccEditorDefaultComparators = ["=","!="];
    $scope.ccEditorFcComparator = "!=";

  $scope.openPopup = function()
    $('#mypopup').popup('open', { y: 0 });

    console.log("should switch to = now");
        $scope.ccEditorFcComparator = "=";

        //this makes it work the second time you open the popup


  • If you change the value of the select using the jQuery function (.option()) for selectmenu, it updates the select box properly.

    Ng-repeat solution:

    JSFiddle Demo

    Ng-options Solution:

    JSFiddle Demo

    NOTE: You need to separetely assign the ng-model variable also for this fix to work.


    var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
    app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
        $scope.ccEditorDefaultComparators = ["=","!="];
        $scope.ccEditorFcComparator = "!=";
      $scope.openPopup = function()
        $('#mypopup').popup('open', { y: 0 });
        console.log("should switch to = now");
            $scope.ccEditorFcComparator = "=";
            //this makes it work the second time you open the popup


    1. jQuery Select Menu Documentation