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Create a Epub3 Rendering Engine

I intend to create a Epub3 rendering engine from scratch(preferably in C++) but am clueless about where to start.Is there a good starting point for such a project or resources that would help me get started. I have some prior experience with such engines(for Epub2 and PDF) but not in depth knowledge.


  • Sounds like a big project, but if you have experience writing engines for ePub2 and PDF might be manageable...

    The best place to start would be the Readium SDK ( Then you could just work through the spec ( piece by piece. I would highly recommend building in WebKit because most of the functionality you need is packaged in there...

    The spec itself is basically just a browser, so another good place to start might be with some browser research (Mozilla etc) and check out some SDKs on that front.

    Best of luck!